Tuesday 25 March 2014

Tagged from Face Book

I am glad I did not get to be-friend every Tom, Dick and Harry when building a profile on Facebook, as it turns out, at least for me, nothing feels more lovely than when you open up your FB profile and check out a post on your timeline coming from a recognisable friend, and reads Ma Sistren Nis rocking Rafiki Threads, blessings - at Mina fish Market, Abu Dhabi  — at Mina Fish Market, Abu Dhabi  "

So thats how the week began and through it all its been a roller coaster getting the brand on its feet, I believe this is the right time to get a Blog rolling that will help solidify.
First ever post, ENJOY!

Earlier in the month I was lucky to get a photoshoot done with the same T-shirt that is now making circuits, my model: Xjiro, Photographer: Jothee Kiiru, facilitated by Myndz Community.

The fabric is known as a Kikwebe that originates from the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) previously known as Zaire which is  a central country in Africa. We fuse the fabric with a  100% Jersey cotton, black in color and is now only available in Medium (UK) Size for ladies.

The t-shirt goes well with darker bottoms, but has the capacity to try out even fancier looks especially if going out for one of those "cocktail parties ' perhaps a a solid color over half coat or even the infamous navy blue jeans, try it out and tag us on FB lets see.. :)